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Term project

So it's here! The new iPhone 8 and iPhone X. I would like to dedicate my term research project to focusing on the new iPhone (which of course was discussed yesterday at the Apple conference), even though a device is not technically new media. It is however a portal to new media. I will focus on the new facial recognition functionality and discuss the pros and cons, with respect to the Internet and social networking. I definitely think that advancement in artificial intelligence is the new wave of the future. Interestingly enough, facial recognition is very common in places like China. I want to explore how facial recognition influences the perhaps inhibits the online/social media experience. I would also like to track current trends and hopefully discover the direction that technology experts are postured in with this advancement!

Click the below hyperlink to see the new and improved iPhone X


  1. Great topic even though i myself am a Samsung fan. Also do you think the price for both of the phones is reasonable? I'm pretty sure you also seen the jokes in regards to the facial recognition if someone was in an emergency or if they had a haircut or something.

    1. How could you not love Apple??? :) Of course I say that jokingly; however, the idea of facial recognition technology is a huge deal, especially in China! It is very cutting edge but brings forth the very loud question of privacy... More to come!!

  2. Very nice design and interesting topic! I have to admit, that I'm also a Samsung fan. Tried to switch to iPhone for few months but couldn't get used to it, so I went back to the "old habit" :) Right after I went back to Samsung, this fuss started about iPhone X and I almost regretted my decision. Hopefully, with your future posts about its pros and cons, I'll know for sure if I made a right decision. Thanks for the info

    1. Hopefully I can convince you to come back! (joking) I am looking forward to sharing my findings with everyone!

  3. Hey Jemel!

    I really like your topic. It's very different than the others. I also feel this would be very interesting to research as most millennials are awaiting the launch of the new iPhones. Moderate forms of facial recognition are present here in the US as well through apps like snap chat (Ex. Face filters). Can't wait to read more about this later on!

    1. I will be honest, one of my professors in a communications course that I am taking this semester brought this idea to my attention, with respect to how heavily utilized facial recognition is, in China. More to come!!

  4. Hi Jemel,

    Interesting topic indeed. I am an Apple fan, and I have bought into the Apple ecosystem and generally impressed with the products I am using. However, I am also suspicious of the accuracy of the facial recognition, especially it is being used as the main mechanism for login security. What if someone have an identical twin; or undergo plastic surgery? In addition, will the facial recognition system be able to learn from the mistakes it made? I can't wait to try the iPhone X and read what your find.

    1. Yayyyy, team Apple!! I can't wait to share my findings! I think that I want to really focus on how pervasive facial recognition is currently in China! More to come!

  5. Hey Jemel, to me that sounds a bit conscerning. Is there a way to turn off the facial recognition technology and what is going to be used for specifically? It seems we are quickly slipping into a world that will in some way rely on facial recognition technology even though it can be flawed and false.

    1. There does not appear to be with this particular model of the iPhone; however, I am beginning to suspect that we are slowly being to walk to same path that China has already blazed, with the use of facial recognition. More to come!

  6. Hey Jamel, this is a great topic. I am a big time Samsung fan. A family member recently purchased the new iPhone X and I used the phone for a long period of time. In my opinion I truly believe this phone is a game changer. They have introduced many features that the phone was lacking compared to many of its competitors. Previous sales of iPhone was truly driven by its looks and brand label whereas now the iPhone keeping all famous features apple fans love and included additional hardware and software. I can't truly justify its price but that's a discussion for another time.


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